Tree: Baard Townshend family
Latitude: -32.9333333, Longitude: 24.6666667
BirthMatches 1 to 11 of 11
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
Tree |
1 |
Coetzee, Florentia Glandina | 11 Jul 1896 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I31190 | Baard Townshend family |
2 |
Coetzee, Gerrit Hendrik | 1 Jan 1914 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I31207 | Baard Townshend family |
3 |
Coetzee, Johanna Magdalena | 16 Jun 1878 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I31198 | Baard Townshend family |
4 |
Coetzee, Johanna Susanna | 23 Mar 1911 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I31206 | Baard Townshend family |
5 |
Coetzee, Laura | 27 Mar 1902 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I31204 | Baard Townshend family |
6 |
Coetzee, Michiel Coenraad | 19 Jul 1888 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I31202 | Baard Townshend family |
7 |
Coetzee, Ruben | 21 Oct 1905 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I31205 | Baard Townshend family |
8 |
Crause, Anna Elizabeth | 14 Aug 1891 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I29848 | Baard Townshend family |
9 |
Hall, Ella Maria | 15 Oct 1885 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I18719 | Baard Townshend family |
10 |
Slabbert, Anna Maria Elizabeth | 19 Jan 1873 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I31203 | Baard Townshend family |
11 |
Slabbert, Gideon Matthys Johannes | 8 Apr 1867 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I31277 | Baard Townshend family |
ChristeningMatches 1 to 1 of 1
DeathMatches 1 to 4 of 4
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Death |
Person ID |
Tree |
1 |
Coetzee, Gert Jacobus Lodewicus b7c7d3e4f1g4 | 30 May 1933 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I17329 | Baard Townshend family |
2 |
Coetzee, Johannes Cornelis Jakobus | 28 Jun 1917 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I31188 | Baard Townshend family |
3 |
Coetzee, Michiel Coenraad | 1 Apr 1948 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I31202 | Baard Townshend family |
4 |
Erasmus, Susanna Sophia | 20 Sep 1891 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | I17325 | Baard Townshend family |
MarriageMatches 1 to 5 of 5
Family |
Marriage |
Family ID |
Tree |
1 |
Coetzee / Slabbert | 22 Aug 1898 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | F9176 | Baard Townshend family |
2 |
Crouse / de la Harpe | 30 May 1887 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | F2800 | Baard Townshend family |
3 |
Rudman / de la Harpe | 8 Sep 1884 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | F2798 | Baard Townshend family |
4 |
Rudman / de la Harpe | 30 Aug 1886 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | F2799 | Baard Townshend family |
5 |
Rudman / de la Harpe | 25 Dec 1889 | Jansenville, Eastern Cape, South Africa | F2801 | Baard Townshend family |